PhD Positions
Funded positions will be advertised here and on the Queen's University website.
Postdoctoral Positions
Funded positions will be advertised here and on the Queen's University website.
For those individuals wishing to apply for research fellowships, the following programmes may be of use:
Many other fellowships and funding opportunities exist, but vary widely depending on the country of origin of the applicant. If you are a talented postdoctoral candidate considering applying for these or other fellowships, please contact Peter directly for assistance in drafting your application.
Short Placements
We are committed to providing practical experience to the next generation of organic chemists. We welcome applications from undergraduates with a strong interest in organic chemistry to undertake short research placements within the Knipe lab. The RSC provides funding for such placements, and students wishing to apply should contact us for assistance in the application process.
We also welcome applications from individuals wishing to pursue Erasmus or similar placements in the Knipe lab.
Level 4 Undergraduate Research Projects
We will host up to two final year undergraduate research project students per year. The formal application procedure occurs early in the first semester (October) but students interested in joining the group are advised to contact Peter in advance to discuss projects.